Remembering the Dreamcast

It’s around 20 years since I was in DC-heaven. Pre the cancellation announcement, and I had just started a part time job, so was able to have some disposable income. With the previous console, the Saturn, I had to wait until birthdays or Christmas to get games, but now I was almost self sufficient (lol).Continue reading “Remembering the Dreamcast”

Is your first console your favourite?

My first console was the Game Gear, but I really wanted Mega Drive (I was only 8 when I got the Game Gear for Christmas, back in 1991). I loved it, though. The Mega Drive soon followed and was really good fun for many years, but the Playstation and Saturn era were something special toContinue reading “Is your first console your favourite?”

I just got myself an aquarium…

Aside from the obvious DELL branding, this could well be an aquarium. It’s clean, a warm 18C and has good air circulation within. However, as it is most definitely a virtual aquarium, I need a special controller with which to interact with this gorgeous new environment. Fortunately, I have just the controller for the job,Continue reading “I just got myself an aquarium…”

Cosmic Smash Game Soundtrack

Thanks to the guys over at Go-Go-Gamesoundtrack a fantastic game with a very short (about 10 minutes), but very cool soundtrack. if you consider yourself at all interested in video games but have not played this game, you owe it to yourself to take a few minutes out of whatever you’re doing and have aContinue reading “Cosmic Smash Game Soundtrack”

Rez sequel announced: Child of Eden

Until I finish my Ph.D, my posts will remain few and far between. Sorry for the hiatus, but I fully intend on posting some high quality stuff once I am finished. Anyway, in addition to the other news from E3, it’s worth broadcasting this little snippet of information: Mizuguchi Tetsuya, the mind behind the amazingContinue reading “Rez sequel announced: Child of Eden”